Stones of Agape

About Stones of Agape

At SoA, I create cultural and symbolic jewelry using natural stones. Each piece is wire-wrapped with steel and copper wire into unique shapes and symbols that represent what the company is about: Agape. Symbols include pieces from religious, regional, charities, and nature.

10% of all sales to go toward feeding the homeless in South Mississippi. Pendants representing certain charities will provide for an additional 10% to charities that research cures for Fibromyalgia (symbol: purple butterfly), Multiple Sclerosis (symbol: orange flower), and Cancer (symbol: pink angel).

That is why at SoA, our saying is "Natural Stones, Wrapped With Love."


About the Owner

Nicole Manuel is a freelance writer and business entrepreneur from Biloxi, Mississippi. Graduating with Honors in 2010, Nicole is now equipped with an economics degree and over two years of freelance writing and blogging experience.

So far in her career, she has written for SDA Network News as Chief Economics Correspondent, Financial Coach Chris Kidd, Associated Content, and ReportLinker. Her blog, Seek2ruth, is dedicated to educating others about healthy living, politics, and financial well-being.

Recently Nicole has started her own jewelry-making business called Stones of Agape, where 10% of all sales go toward feeding the homeless of South Mississippi.